
Remote account opening for the company in Estonia

Remote account opening for the company in Estonia

It is profitable to open a corporate account in Estonia. It is possible to create an account remotely without personally coming to the country. To get more information about creating an account, contact our specialists at IT-OFFSHORE.

Nuances of bank account opening

The corporate account in Estonia can be opened remotely only by companies that have a connection with the country. They may have clients or partners in the country, a real office, and local employees. In this regard, many companies that choose the country for tax optimization and work outside Estonia do not have the possibility to create a deposit.

Opening an account in Estonia for an Estonian company is possible if you work inside the country, attract local partners and clients. It is possible to open a current account in banks, but also to use the services of loans, leasing and letters of credit.

The company has the right to request a corporate card, which is linked to the account. Funds can be managed through online banking. You can replenish the account for free.

How to set up an account

A number of documents will be required to open an account. It is necessary to prepare a completed application with information about the organization and the representative of the company, income data. If there is a non-resident in the ownership structure, it is mandatory to provide evidence of ties with the country.

It is necessary to specify why it is required to open an account in a particular bank. Copies of passports of board members and beneficiaries are required. Identification is required at the country's banks - most often a visit to the country is required. In some cases the bank is ready to review the documents remotely.

In the application form you must tell about your company - the specifics of business, the planned turnover of funds in the current account. In the European Union the requirements for account users are quite strict, so all beneficiaries must be identified by the bank.

Top 5 banks for opening an account

Financial institution Versobank AS is popular for opening corporate accounts. The bank was established in the late ‘90's. The main goal of the institution is to meet the needs of corporate and private clients. The bank offers personalized and highly qualified services.

Another popular bank operating in Estonia is Swedbank. The range of services provided by the financial institution is wide. It is possible to create a multi-currency account, take a loan, issue a payment card and use a convenient online bank.

Tallinn Business Bank has existed in the country for more than two decades and works mainly with small and medium-sized businesses. A plus of working with a financial institution is online banking and the ability to create an account remotely.

In Sampo Pank, it is possible to open accounts for non-residents through official representatives in their country. The institution does not open accounts for offshore businesses.

Marfin Pank is a well-known financial institution, which has offices in several countries. It offers a large number of services for both residents and non-residents of the country.

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