
Pros of registering a company in Estonia for cryptocurrency

Pros of registering a company in Estonia for cryptocurrency

If you called two things that Estonians are proud of, this will be their entrepreneurial spirit and an advanced digital management system. Combining these two things, it comes as no surprise that registering a company in Estonia for cryptocurrency is an ambitious and innovative business.

Despite the small area of ​​the country, the economy is developing in Estonia, a simple tax system and, as a rule, at the head of the government are people who are engaged in entrepreneurial activities. This is a great place for entrepreneurs to live and build their own businesses, regardless of whether they work in high-tech start-ups or more traditional segments, such as manufacturing or the services industry.

If you are thinking about opening a cryptocurrency business in Estonia, you need to get to know the benefits more closely.

Open a cryptocurrency business in Estonia - the potential of e-commerce

With the advent of cryptocurrency, as Estkoin, as well as legalization at the state level, a new direction appeared - business registration in Estonia under cryptocurrency.

to start a company in Estonia

The country has a rather promising thinking when it comes to technology - this is the first country that offers an e-residence program (e-Residency). The program is almost like digital citizenship and gives participants the opportunity to use government services, such as starting work in a company based in the European Union without actually entering the country.

Kaspar Korzhus, director of the Estonian e-residency program, expressed the idea of ​​issuing cryptographic tokens through the primary coin offer (ICO) to collect money for the nation. Without agreeing on anything, Korzhus outlined what the initial offer of coins sees as potential.

Thus it was appeared cryptocurrency "Estkoin", which is launched through the initial offer of coins. In this connection, it became possible to conduct a cryptocurrency business in Estonia at the legal level.

Thanks to modern electronic solutions, entrepreneurs can quickly and easily conduct business in Estonia under cryptocurrency. Solutions, such as digital signatures, electronic tax claims, an electronic business register or the availability of public records on the Internet, have simplified the bureaucracy to a minimum and eased the conditions in which a cryptocurrency business in Estonia is easily conducted. "Industry 4.0." this is another step towards a complete digital revolution.

The advantages of opening a company in Estonia for cryptocurrency

There are many advantages in opening a company in Estonia under cryptocurrency. Thus, Estonian legislation, as well as the government, recognized the exchange of cryptocurrencies as a legal economic activity. This is confirmed by the decision of the Supreme Court of Estonia of April 11, 2016.

Open a company in Estonia

Thus, in Estonia you can sell cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Estcoin, in the form of fiat currency exchange into cryptocurrency and vice versa. In addition, the legislation recognizes that cryptocurrency is an alternative method of payment.

The above advantages of registering a company for cryptocurrencies in Estonia are major.

Now you can proceed to the other benefits:
• It is possible to carry out operations without the use of external applications. To do this, you must have your own Wallet Manager.
• Reliable security and protection - HSM Thales E-security.
• All transfers are carried out in the real time, which indicates high speed.
• Estonia is the first country to legalize ICO at the state level.
• Zero taxation of the company.
• Favorable business platform
• Estonia is a member of the European Union and the European Monetary Union.

The list can grow with the development of Estonia, as an electronic state that legalized cryptocurrency. This is just the beginning.

And now you have the opportunity to become one of the first, until state cryptocurrencies have become commonplace, such as cash in a wallet.

To do this and register a cryptocurrency business in Estonia, you can take the first simple step to the beginning of ambitious ideas - contact us for help!



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